Sitting on another "sad" diet and setting ourselves in advance so that we can return to our normal "weight category" when it's over, we wonder how much: is it possible to be sure that the weight will remain after losing weight? stable and does not grow? , and there was no need to change food packages in search of the best diet?

The good news is that there are always roads.
Another thing is whether the infamous will is enough not to look at your favorite cakes, unless everything in your body and mind is striving for victory over yourself.
Proper nutrition: the basic facts
Sandwiches, mustard, canned food - if you decide to give up a one-time wrong and misguided diet, and at the same time digestive problems, both small (heartburn) and full of adults, it should be discarded immediately. ones (deposition of fats and sugars that cause atherosclerosis and diabetes).
The essence of proper nutrition is not only to prevent the most frightening overweight, but also to prevent incurable diseases from a whole "company".
So you have to learn the theory before you practice.
Therefore, we break down the truths of a healthy diet to lose weight and take it as a basis:
- Fractional nutrition helps prevent hunger, overeating and recovery. Small parts are not able to stretch the walls of the stomach, which makes it bottomless and insatiable. Eating often (5-7 times a day) is the best way to stay full, active and happy.
- Meals for lunch should be very light, and this should happen no later than 20. 00. The interval between the first breakfast and the last dinner should not exceed 12 hours.
- Half of the diet consists of vegetables and fruits (or at least 40%). Needless to say, these products are useful - vitamin and mineral bombs that explode body fat.
- The presence of grains and cereals in the diet. You can eat porridge every day. Most grains act as a sorbent and cleanse the body better than any medicine.
- The daily diet is a handful of nuts or sunflower seeds. These products will enrich the body with potassium, unsaturated acids and dietary fiber.
- Milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurts are tasty and healthy, will save you from calcium deficiency and restore the intestinal microflora.
- Meat and fish are not excluded from the diet (this is not a diet, in the end), it will saturate the body with protein. Although necessary - only 60 g per day.
- The norm of drunk liquid is 2 liters per day. It is desirable that pure still water become the main drink, and your beauty and freshness depend on it.
- Exercise "substitute player", ie high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones. No more than 2, 000 calories a day.
- Make sure you monitor the acid-base balance, which is responsible for oxygen saturation of cells and other biochemical processes in the body. Alkaline foods include milk, yogurt, fruits, vegetables and several types of nuts.
- Eliminate the use of fried foods, white bread, preservatives, fizzy drinks and convenience foods - there are no big enemies of beauty in food.
- Eat fruit only until 15: 00.
- Do not salt dishes, use natural spices and seasonings, sprinkle salads with lemon juice and sea salt.
Includes a healthy menu

It is very important to control calories and maintain a balance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Food should be taken in small portions as often as possible. The last time it is recommended to eat three hours before bedtime. This way, you will empty your stomach as much as possible and sleep better.
A proper diet to lose weight allows you to consume a sufficient amount of familiar foods, including real tasty.
In the early stages, you will still have to give up a slice of dark chocolate or a piece of hard cheese.
After a while, when you are already sure of the results, you can treat yourself to these delicacies, but sometimes.
In the meantime, don't go overboard and cook whatever you want from these products (steamed, oven-baked or boiled):
- veal, rabbit, chicken or skinless turkey;
- all seafood without exception;
- low-fat milk, yogurt, kefir;
- eggs (it is wiser to exclude boiled eggs, replace them with steamed omelets);
- all vegetables and fruits without exception;
- tofu;
- legumes;
- unpolished rice;
- bran bread.
50x50 or whatever is possible, but rarely

Once again, a healthy diet cannot be called a diet, so the diet allows for some disadvantages - boil potatoes for yourself (but in a small form) or a little candy to eat once a week.
In order not to speculate between "possible" and "impossible", we present you a list of products that are conditionally allowed:
- starchy vegetables: potatoes, corn, carrots, beets;
- sweet fruits: bananas, avocados, dates, grapes;
- honey and dark chocolate;
- natural juices;
- cream and sour cream;
- hard cheeses;
- butter and olive oil (up to 10 g).
Taboo products

Of course, a proper diet does not include certain products that have a negative effect on the general condition of the body.
And we feel perfect after consuming them for a while: in the form of heaviness in the stomach, nausea or other discomfort.
They are also reflected in the appearance - not to "hang" with extra pounds, but also detract from the ideal condition of the skin.
Here they are:
- smoked meat;
- mayonnaise and other packaged dressings and sauces;
- pork;
- alcoholic and carbonated beverages;
- milk chocolate;
- juices from packages;
- salt and sugar;
- sweets;
- bakery products made from wheat flour.
Apparently, the "forbidden" list is much shorter than the previous two.
Therefore, if you refuse the products offered, there will be nothing to worry about.
As they say, we will not starve, but we will be healthy.
Weekly diet
To lose weight, you need to follow two basic nuances to properly plan your weekly healthy diet:
- Calorie content. And we know that the number of calories per day should not exceed 2, 000.
- The main products that make up the menu. It is important that they are both useful and nutritious.

You can add a third - different dishes.
Oatmeal alone in the morning can be enjoyable for the first two days, and then it becomes boring and you want something else.
It is also dangerous - such a desire can completely ruin all plans and return to yesterday with all the cutlets, sausages and cakes.
So, a healthy diet plan for the week is very simple: alternate meat and fish, cook simple different salads (the more, the better), collect a variety of cereals, so as not to have every new breakfast. as before and do not forget about fruit and water.
That is, if this plan is narrowed to one day, we get:
- breakfast - fiber and carbohydrates (energy supply for the whole day);
- second breakfast - protein food (cottage cheese with fruit, yogurt);
- lunch - proteins and carbohydrates (chicken broth or soup);
- lunch snack - a little enjoyment of fruit);
- evening - protein (fish or meat fillets);
- before bedtime - kefir or cottage cheese.
So, in the video below you can see how to eat properly to achieve your weight loss goals:
Sample menu for the week
Remember that snacks are taken with proper nutrition, but they should consist only of healthy foods: fruit, yogurt, oatmeal cookies, cottage cheese with dried fruit.
And lots of water.
First breakfast:
- Any cereals, lemon tea.
- A piece of chicken and porridge or steamed vegetables. Tea or coffee without sugar.
- Coarse bread sandwich with a slice of cheese, baked vegetables. Green tea.
- Curd, oatmeal or biscuit cookies. Tea.
- Soft-boiled eggs or boiled eggs. Coffee or tea.

Second breakfast:
- Fruit.
- Tea and cheese.
- Cottage cheese with grapes.
- A handful of nuts or a few dried fruits.
- Yogurt.
- Baby fruit puree.
- Chicken soup, vegetable salad, broth.
- Vegetarian or lean (with beans) borscht, cooked meat, Beijing cabbage salad.
- Ukha, steamed meatballs, cucumber salad and tomatoes.
- Baked mushrooms, boiled potatoes, white cabbage salad.
- Chicken broth, combined vegetable salad.

- Cottage cheese with chopped herbs.
- Yogurt.
- A glass of homemade natural juice.
- Fresh fruits.
- Fruit salad.
- Biscuits and fruit jelly.
- Baked rabbit with vegetables.
- Red fish cooked on a vegetable pad.
- Omelet with vegetables.
- Chicken steam cutlets with koleslaw.
- Curd and cucumber salad.
The beginning of a new life

No one has yet been able to accept this and "jump" from a normal diet to a healthy diet to lose weight easily.
It is difficult for anyone who misses bread and cocoa for the first time to break habits, especially eating habits.
Is it possible that separation is not so painful?
There are rules for this.
First, mood and inner order are important.
If you do not allow yourself to relax, then the results of weight loss will interest you more than meat pasta.
Second, a balanced diet.
Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions.
In principle, all our successes and failures are hidden in our heads, not on Buyan Island.
Mental attitude is important in any business (and proper nutrition is no exception).
Picture yourself as thin, beautiful, and healthy in your thoughts (or on paper) and reach this image with all your might, test yourself, admire yourself, and praise yourself for your endurance.
Finally, write a plan for the week, month, year.
How many kilograms will you lose?
What will you be
How will you feel?
Follow this plan and you will be fine.
You will lose weight and become beautiful, do not lose weight - everything will be as you planned.
I almost forgot about desserts. . .
Does a healthy diet include desserts, which are the most important element for the soul, not the stomach?
The answer is yes.
Only desserts are biased in their usefulness to the body: oatmeal cookies, the same fruits and dried fruits, the sweetness of which is not inferior to any chocolate bar, but more useful - a hundred times, fruit mousses and jellies, sorbents, jellies, cottage cheese. with fruits.
Try it, you will like it!